Patchwork of silks into a stole
बेकार से आकार बना है।
Nothing to something
Waste is not waste when I visualise a form in it. It is only waste till it is departed from its context. When i see the fabric emerging from the waste shreds, i am face to face with its inherent alchemy. This is an opportunity that gives me purpose to resolve a problem that nags me. My way of reducing textile waste is by re-purposing it to longevity.
When longevity is given a spark of creativity that a buyer values, then the textile doesn't make it to the waste hills so callously. That delay, when a buyer brings care to the process and thinks many times before discarding any textile, is the inspiration for all the patchworks that i work on.
To stitch a patchwork from shreds of fabric, we first segregate them by colour. Then within that colour, we segregate by texture and nature of the textile. Once silks, cottons or others are in visible bundles, groups start to appear. When groups are visible, they evoke unanimous action. That action is of coming together as a single unit with another family of colour that represents the contrast.
Here, in this stole, silks in shades of blue grouped together so that purple could be set as contrast. Is there some method to this selection? Why we pick one fabric and not the other? Why one tone of blue is set next to that another shade of blue? Why purple? Why black? Why these blues at all? If these good wonders appear in your head when you see these patchwork, then we are talking from the space of my creative zone of Design. Else it is just one shred after another, stitched with a repeated monotony.
The method to this madness is there. Visibly there.