Fire | Agni
Patchwork of cottons turned into Fire
Welcome you to a home of heart. I hope you all feel warm here. There is a fireplace in the centre of this home. It is blazing bright.We can make a big circle around it. The firewood that keeps this fire burning is collected from the jungles of various hearts that I met along the road. The one I keep the safest is a small piece of pine wood. It burns easily and sets the others on fire. I named this pine wood Faith. I tend to not overuse it and keep it safe as a fire-starter. It’s good for rainy days.
The long burning logs are named Vitality, Compassion and Self-reflection. These long heavy wood are supported by smaller sticks and twigs named Acceptance, Good Wonder, Contentment, Communication, Patience, Interdependence and Openness. Without these, the big logs can’t sustain.
I stack the moist wood named Separateness, Regret, Frustration, Guilt, Emotional baggage, Justifications, Excuses, Envy and Blame close to the fire, so they could warm up and dry themselves. And someday become firewood for the heart fire.
The oxygen to this fire is called Awareness/consciousness. And the fire is named Love. Just like the fire, these firewood too are of subtle nature. They can only be manifested in feeling, “Bhaava”.
Heart is beginning to glow.
It is to a setting around the warmth of this fire, that I welcome you to heart travel with me with this mora.
This dupatta that has two sides represents the coexistent presence and absence of the same integral fire. Fire, being the force of intelligence and transformation.