Shah Mat
Kanchipuram check weaving pattern
with raw silk in solids.
When I think of check patterns in a weave, I think of Chess. And I think of the traditional games that have survived the test of change over time.
Kanchipuram weavers excel in making check patterns as do the Sambalpuri weavers who represent through the checks, the game of dicing depicted in the legend of Mahabharata. Both weaving fraternity of traditional Indian weaves pay their unique homage to the geometry created when equal numbers of vertical warp intersect with same number of horizontal weft, creating a series of same sized alternating squares.
With no deliberate inspiration from Buffalo checks, the weaves I chose for this dupatta happened to have the symmetry of black and red with streaks of mustard. The warmth of that yellow inspired me and I decided to accentuate it.